Tucked away in the western part of Virginia high in the Appalachian Mountains, 4,108 feet, you will find our family farm and sugar camp. This 600 acre mountain farm was purchased by our family in 1957 and has provided shelter, heat, food and decades of outdoor fun and recreation for three, four and now five generations. Our property contains a portion of the headwaters of the Laurel Fork stream which is a native brook trout area that flows thru the George Washington National Forest and also is home to a high elevation cove forest which contains native red spruce trees.
Forest management and sustainability are extremely important to us, that’s why we are proud members of the American Tree Farm System and the 2019 Virginia Tree Farm of the Year. We continue to strive to ensure that our family the land and the wildlife are living a happy existence with each other. Current projects on the farm include creating migratory bird habitat thru specifically designated timber harvests, planting non timber forest products in the understory of more mature trees, establishing wild leeks (ramps) in wet drainages and planting heirloom apple and pear trees to maintain the original fruit orchard.
As we continue to sustainably manage the property our hopes are with the passing decades we can continue to improve our farms ecosystem and make it self-supporting so it can continue to be passed on to future generations.
10677 Mountain Turnpike
Hightown, VA 24465
Phone Number: (540) 290.1676
Email Address: laurelforksapsuckers@yahoo.com